Medial patella luxation

What is Medial Patella Luxation (MPL)?

Medial Patella Luxation is a common orthopedic condition in which the patella (kneecap) shifts out of its normal position, usually towards the inside of the knee joint. This misalignment can cause varying degrees of lameness and discomfort.

Symptoms of MPL

The signs of MPL can vary depending on the severity of the condition. Common symptoms include:

  • Intermittent limping: Your pet may favor one leg and limp occasionally.
  • Skipping or hopping: Pets with MPL may hop or skip on one hind leg.
  • Difficulty in extending the leg: Your pet may have trouble fully extending their leg.
  • Pain and discomfort: MPL can cause pain, which may lead to changes in your pet’s gait or reluctance to use the affected leg.

Diagnosis of MPL

If you suspect your pet has MPL or if your veterinarian suspects it during a physical examination, further diagnostic tests such as X-rays may be recommended. These tests can help determine the severity of the condition and guide the treatment plan.

Treatment Options for Medial Patella Luxation

Treatment for MPL is tailored to the individual needs of your pet and the severity of the condition. Treatment options may include:

  1. Conservative Management: In mild cases, your veterinarian may recommend non-surgical treatments such as weight management, physical therapy, and medications to alleviate pain and inflammation.
  2. Surgical Correction: In more severe cases of MPL, surgery may be necessary to realign the patella and stabilize the knee joint. Surgical options may include procedures to deepen the groove in which the patella sits or to correct soft tissue abnormalities.